This is the idea to express the cyber space. I used our blog structure to develop this idea. Usually a blog has a very simple structure compared to other cyber spaces. So I think using blog structure is good strategy. That is composed of blog owner, visitors, some stories made by a owner, several comments and some information, such as the recommendation or further information link sites. However it is also true that it is not easy to express the information on a blog efficiently because the unit information is linked each other complexly.
To express blog information efficiently, I chose two concepts. One is that I used the spiral form to express a blog unit. That is main key concept. I think spiral form can show well history of a blog. And we can see both the structure and size of blog. I’d like to say that a blog have been growing up as the shape of spiral. And another concept is a tool bar to get more information. Once you imagine the photoshop or cad program, you can understand that meaning easily. These programs have many useful tool bars to help users work process. Navigator, layer and some filters are very good examples. We can only see the information which we want to find through this kind of strategy. Here are two examples. One is the example of using the comment tool bar. And the other one is the examples of using the link tool bar.